Headline Booking Group

Headline Booking Group

Location Map

Location Details

Business Name:

Headline Booking Group


135 Madison Avenue New York New York 10016





Headline Booking Group is the celebrity booking agency of choice for corporations, individuals and fundraising organizations worldwide who are booking entertainment for their events. After more than a decade of booking the biggest names in entertainment, Headline Booking Group was founded by Matt Altman to serve clients on a national and international level. Our clients rely on us as a trusted resource in the world of celebrity talent procurement. The relationships we have built with artists and their representation allow us to serve as a conduit to any band, comedian, speaker, athlete or celebrity our clientele are interested in. Headline Booking Group is a distinctive booking agency with a unique approach to serving the needs of our clients. Booking a celebrity requires the experience and expertise necessary to ensure a flawless performance. Attention to detail and customer service are the differentiating factors between Headline Booking Group and other booking agencies. We listen to what your wants, needs and objectives are. We work with you to book an entertainer within your budget, ensuring that we are consistently managing and maintaining expectations. Every event is different and our full service approach delivers a customized individuality for each of our clients. Utilizing our in depth network of production vendors, Headline Booking Group can assist in the coordination of all logistics pertaining to the performance, liaising between our clients and management of the various celebrity entertainers. Our professional, knowledgeable, and courteous staff ensures everything runs smoothly leading up to and on the day of your event. Headline Booking Group looks forward to the opportunity to be your booking agency for your next event.
